…. In the past few years Simon Sinek, leadership guru and author of Start With Why, has discovered a business principle that literally changes everything. It’s behind the rebrand of both Live Your Legend and my investment partnership and I credit it with much of my business’s recent success. It’s also why everyone from Apple and Steve Jobs to Martin Luther King and The Wright Brothers were so successful.
And the best part: it’s unbelievably simple. It can make all difference between loving or hating your work and having a business that the world gets behind or that fails miserably. It’s hands down the most powerful business concept I learned in 2011 (if not ever).
Simon now often speaks upwards of 20-25 times a month and does much of his work with the United States Military.
He’s been invited to do work with groups like Microsoft, Dell, SAP, Intel, Chanel, various government groups and Members of the United States Congress. He’s also presented his ideas to the Ambassadors of Bahrain and Iraq, at the United Nations and to the senior leadership of the United States Air Force.
This will forever change the way you approach business and life – no joke.
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