[blockquote source=”NPR”]
In a conference call with reporters, Coleman said his biggest concern is the widening gap in scores along racial and ethnic lines. This year Asian students had the highest overall average scores in reading, writing and math, followed by whites, and then Latinos. Black students had the lowest average scores. Coleman said it’s time to do something about it, not just sit back and report how poorly prepared students are for college and career.
[blockquote source=”DAVID M. KINCHEN“]
Reading and writing are the keys to learning and I wasn’t surprised that the Asian-American students — raised by the proverbial “Tiger Mothers” — are at the top of the SAT heap. That’s why they’re so good at learning. Yes, I know all about how Asian-Americans hate the “model minority” stereotype, but they should realize that behind every stereotype there’s more than a little truth.
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